
These Best Friends Want to Grow Old Together, So They Built Their Own Tiny Home Village

Most best friend’s see each other every once in a while, sometimes a couple of times a week, but how amazing would it be to grow old alongside your best friends? These 4 couples have been friends for over 20 years, so they decided to build their own tiny home village!

They named the settlement ‘Llano Exit Strategy,’ which faces the Llano river outside of Austin, Texas. The 4 homes are about 400 square feet and cost $40,000 each.

The slanted roofs and rain barrels can hold up to 5,000 gallons of water, reflected walls help to keep the homes cooler in the hot summers, and they are working on a garden for their food needs.

None of the homes come equipped with a kitchen, so they built a community kitchen in the middle of the settlement.

Sanitary Pads on A Train

Looking at my screen, noticing the blotch marks of oil and grease. There’s dust everywhere and my keys don’t seem to press down with the same elegance they once did when she was new, my laptop, who I affectionately call “my baby” has been good to us. It is the fourth hour on our train from Kishengar to New Delhi and …

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Rural Illiterate Grandmothers To Solar Electrify The Rural World

In a quiet classroom forty empty chairs await their students. A blackboard, dusty with chalk, takes up one wall; directly opposite a world map flutters in the dry desert breeze from an open window. Sunlight streams in from the doorframe, as the students begin to take their places around a long trestle table. This is not your …

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#Growing The Future

When I was a kid, my dad had a compost pile. Seems to me he didn’t really turn it, nor did it seem like he did much to control the amounts of carbon and nitrogen in there, though I do remember him driving around our neighbourhood after dark in the fall picking up bags of …

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