What would the world be like if instead of seeking to compete and hoard out of insecurity, we would share and give out of generosity?
Check out this TEDx talk by founder of ServiceSpace Nipun Mehta! It is truly amazing and inspiring.
Here in the west, Akon is a celebrity mostly known by his musical hits like “Locked Up,” “Lonely,” “Belly Dancer,” and “Ghetto” to name just a few. But his most amazing noteworthy achievement and legacy, which has not been mentioned much in the mainstream western media, is that through his entrepreneurial endeavors stemming from …
We’re all looking for stories of hope – that the world can be changed, that we are not limited by our culture, our backgrounds, our histories. Lucy Naipanoi, a grandmother of the Maasai in Kenya, one of the last hunter gatherer tribes left on the planet, represents the potential for evolution and advancement that has …
Announcing the 2nd Annual Youth Ecovillage Summit This year’s gathering will take place in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, at Earthaven Ecovillage. With eighty year-round residents and decades of off-the-grid living, Earthaven is the perfect place to host this year’s event. October will be especially beautiful, as the leaves begin to turn a dazzling display …
What would the world be like if instead of seeking to compete and hoard out of insecurity, we would share and give out of generosity?
Check out this TEDx talk by founder of ServiceSpace Nipun Mehta! It is truly amazing and inspiring.