This is not very good PR for agricultural company Monsanto.
While being filmed by French cable channel Canal+, GMO advocate Dr. Patrick Moore claimed that the chemical in the company’s Roundup weed killer is safe for humans to consume and “won’t hurt you.”
He then refused to drink it when offered a glass by the interviewing journalist.
Dr. Moore was insisting that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide, was not increasing the rate of cancer in Argentina.
According to EcoWatch, Moore used to be a member of Greenpeace before becoming a GMO advocate.
Editor’s Note:ALSO ON HUFFPOST: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Dr. Patrick Moore is a lobbyist for Monsanto. A statement from Monsanto says that Dr. Moore is not and has never been a paid lobbyist for their company. This version has been corrected.