From Apartheid to Ecovillages

In this 17 min TEDx Findhorn talk Kosha Anja Joubert reminds us of the future we dream of and how people all across the globe are building it now, following their inner values, focussing on life as a whole and rebuilding the connections that have been broken.

We can regenerate the soil, replenish depleted water tables and reconnect in community. We can do this and so much more when we come together and marry our love for the planet with our need to make a living. We can serve life. This is what ecovillages are doing, finding local solutions to global challenges everywhere.


GEN is gathering leaders of tribes, ecovillages and communities from across 5 continents to provide direct links of friendship and understanding between people and projects. A heart connection that enables us to learn from each other and feel that we are working as a team towards solutions.

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(originally written by Tobias)

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