Moment to Moment

I was asked the other day what I like most about Christmas. After a bit of thinking, I realized it’s that brief moment of silence. There’s this gradual lead-up to Christmas, where life get’s more and more hectic. It’s filled with brighter lights, noisier sounds, and all around sensory overload. For an introvert like me – it’s not very enjoyable. But just when you think it can’t get any crazier, you wake up Christmas morning to a world that is more silent and reflective than ever. It’s that moment, when everyone’s together, and there’s no more stuff to buy or lights to put up, that you can just take a breath and unwind knowing that there’s nothing on your plate at the moment other than what’s truly important.

It’s a bit ironic that the Holiday season is the antithesis to that one brief moment. But when it happens, the disparity makes it all the more appreciated. I think that’s a big part of life. So these last crazy few moments of the Holiday season shouldn’t be frowned upon, but appreciated for their ability to make the silent moments that much quieter. I truly believe it’s the contrast from moment to moment that intensifies life and evolves the spirit.

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