The Mission
Times Are A Changing….
We live in an ever expanding world. 20 years from now, things will be drastically different then the way they are now. How we will get there will be entirely up to us. Each passing moment in this unfolding universe we have a chance to participate in the creation. Our choices have real and powerful effects, and collectively they define cultures and customs around the world.
We should be incredibly proud and forever inspired by our ancestors. We stand on the shoulders of amazing human achievements spanding over thousands of years. These accomplishments couldn’t have been possible without the tradition of passing on knowledge, in hopes for a generation living more harmoniously. Today we have the accommulated knowledge to alter our destructive habits into creative alternatives.
All of this is possible through the introduction of these traditional skills through our generations most powerful media tool. The internet and moving pictures with sound, also known as video. The internet allowed for a vast array of creative content to explode into the collective conciousness. New feilds of interest begin to reveal themselves and are quickly populating new content creators. A very literal Renaisance effect is occuring before our own eyes.
Realizing that you as a viewer are the true producers, Valhalla decided to embark on a campaign to preserve traditional skills around the world. By simply showing interest, and participation by sharing our content, you create a new avenue for content creators. One that is aimed towards positive solutions. We can encourage those who are using their talents to better the world to focus their skills on creating uplifting and inspiring content.
This is a collective approach to realize the dream for more positive educational content online. Using social media we will expand and disperse this information to the furthest corners of this world. With each passing year producing more and more content for betterment of future generations. More and more people of the world will focus their resources to conserve skills and produce educational material to keep beauty and propesrity alive for all humans.
Support Greenseed
We are using a crowd funding platform, built into our own website, to show our support for this project. All proceed will go to preserving traditional skills through graphics, video and text. With this project we will form a growing team of professionals, around the world, whose purpose is to document and record human ingenuity and our perseverance as a species.
We will take action towards creating a positive future for the next generations. Visit Green Seed and read about this noble project and share it with your networks.
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