Life isn’t about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself, creating the world that we know is possible in our hearts
- The India Team
Lawrence and I are going on a journey of invention. We will be travelling India for the next 5 months, following our hearts and omens discovering people, initiatives and communities regarding ecological and social prosperity.
This world is a magical place and viable solutions for a flourished today exist, one just has to be willing to search.
Estimated Itinerary:
- barefoot college
- auroville
- bishnoi people
- Navdanya (to meet Vandana Shiva)
- victims of Monsantos abuse
- and many more initiatives that may show themselves while we travel our path
Learning from and propagating these places is our main mission! Celebrating and demonstrating Earth’s potential and beauty will undisputedly be a bi-product of this adventure so come join us and experience the; smells, tastes, colours, noise and vibrations of this land.
Soo good! Yes I saw a really inspiring documentary on the Barefoot college, of a woman being sponsored from a far flung tribe in Jordan with many children. It was inspiring.