+2,000 Nepalis Hug Trees For Love

So this seems to be all the talk here in Kathmandu, just a short couple of days ago when Nepali World Record holder, Thaneswor Guragai executed the World’s Largest Collective Tree Hug (results pending by Guinness). His objectives were the following

1. Implanting a sense of responsibility of tree protection.
2. Global awareness for loving tree & their sustainable existence.
3. Sensitizing people about the importance of forestation
4. To integrate people from different social, political, commercial, educational, environmental background to join in unanimous appreciation.


“Our goal is to set a new world record and at the same time spread the message that trees are important for the environment and everyone,” said Guragai.


Most of the huggers were indeed students and also included Nepal’s political figures

“We are gathered here in our attempt to save the forests and make people aware that trees and forests are important for human civilization,” -Right On!- said Rajan K.C., 1 of the 20 Parliament members who hugged.

The event was a beautiful coming together of man and nature, were thousands of people got the chance to stop and consider the wellbeing of all our planet and admit it feels – like the right thing :)


Apparently it will take about 2 months for Guinness to return confirmations, what awesome eco-records do you know of ?

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