Terms and Conditions of this Agreement

All parties hereby agree that this partnership agreement / manifesto document be drafted and accepted in English and is legally subject to and binding under Quebec / Canadian law.

This agreement applies to signatory parties from all countries of the world regardless of citizenship.

The terms and conditions of this Manifesto are in effect for the Valhalla Movement Fiscal year of 2014 ending March 31st 2015 upon which they can be renegotiated and adjusted in order to remain flexible as an organization.

This agreement will be published publicly online on the Valhalla Movement Mission and About pages of the website for all to see as well as to ensure transparency.

All parties and members and interns agree to be allowed to be on video photo and audio captures in relation to the development and happenings of the Valhalla Movement. These same individuals agree to be part of its documentation and media platforms and to relinquish a release for such to The Valhalla Movement Foundation. They also agree that all content produced in conjunction with or in the name of The Valhalla Movement becomes property of the organization as well once published under the Valhalla Movement name.

This Manifesto is meant to be flexible and discussed on a yearly basis but also can be amended via a consensus vote of all active members. If by consensus amendments are made to this manifesto – they will added to the public version of this document within 72 hours of amendments.