Send the appropriate heads an email including answers to all these questions CLEARLY marked with the appropriate headings so we can process the vast amount of applicants we do get on a regular basis. Please keep your answers brief and concise for the most part J
Understand that it might take us time to respond to these applications but we will always inquire more and respond within a reasonable delay and do whatever we can to make it work for as many people as possible. We are looking to involve as many people as possible all the while remaining manageable and realize this is also our first ever officially coordinated Internship Program.
Know that at the moment NO Valhalla member is being paid for their work in relation to Valhalla – although plans for Economic Sustainability are in place for this season we aren’t looking for “free labour” without us ourselves providing it too.
Build Team Head: Marc – info(at)
GreenTeam Heads: Vivian – vivian.kaloxilos(at)
It is important to note that an applicant must attend at least
An online Webinar and/or An in Person Tour
There is a Secret Word at the end of these tours that ensures someone did actually attend – a schedule of these Tours can be found on our Calendar.
Secret Word:
Full Name:
Current City/State of Residence:
Do you want to be added to our newsletter? YES / NO
Date of Internship Submission:
· Why You?
· Previous experience in any of the fields (it’s not a requirement but we just want to know):
· Are you looking to be a full or part time intern?
· What skills are you currently learning about / doing and what skills are you looking to integrate into your life/through your participation in the movement?
· When do you plan on being at Valhalla (arrival / departure estimates?)
· What projects underway or other are you interested in Participating in?
· What committees are you interested in being a part of?
· What do you feel you will add to this/these projects?
· Do you have the financial means to be able to support yourself for an extended period of time? Are you expecting a pay for your internship?
· Are you looking to come to Montreal and get a job? If so what languages do you speak? What jobs / skills / fields would you be willing / expecting to work in?
· Would you be willing to live in a common household with other interns / members and be part of the community or would you seek your own residence of some kind?
· Do you want a private room or you open to more of an open space?
· Are you willing to sign a release for that allows us to include you in videos and pictures that are in relation to the Movement to be displayed online to the public?
· Are you willing to sign a release that says that you are responsible for your own health care and injuries within reason of Valhalla acting accordingly?
Any other relevant info or comments?