Decision Making Model & Process

Valhalla is dedicated to have it’s members have a fair and participatory say on the decisions that are made for the community. With the help of community experts from around the world we are constantly learning and improving our decision making process.

We are currently studying Sociocracy to integrate some of it in our structure and decision making process.

We are currently using our version of the N-Street Consensus decision-making as our method:

Consensus decision-making is a group decision making process that seeks consent of all participants. Consensus may be defined professionally as an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the “favourite” of each individual. ~Wikipedia

Issues with Basic Consensus Decision-making:

It is believed that CDM is the best method for decision making as it makes sure that every decision made is approved by everyone. Therefore everyone is happy because everyone’s voice is heard and all decisions are unanimous.

However what happens in most intentional communities is that no decision ever goes through, causing the group to be stagnant and causing frustration, discouragement, low morale and dwindling meeting attendance.

The N Street Cohousing community has created an amendment that gives a responsibility on blockers to find the solution. So that everyone together works on creating the best solution for the community.



o   Sets up the meeting

o   Organizes Agenda and Discussion Points

o   Puts forth proposal

o   Issues appropriate documents

o   Chooses Peacemaker for meeting

o   Guides meeting


o   Is objective to decisions

o   Edit’s documents for clarity (not content)

o   Oversees process of the meeting

o   Makes sure there is no talking out of turn

o   Makes sure questions/points are relevant

o   Makes sure Facilitator and Members stay on topic and process

o   Keeps track of time

o   Can move on from topic if time has run out or if point is irrelevant


o   Discuss points in proposal

o   Revise points in proposal

§  Propose amendments

§  Request clarification on points

o   Decide if proposal goes through:

§  Consent proposal to go through

§  Block proposal from going through

§  Stand Aside from proposal (Don’t like the proposal but won’t block it)


Before the meeting:

1.       Facilitator introduces a proposal

2.       Facilitator appoints a Peacemaker for the proposal

3.       Peacemaker edits proposal for grammar and clarity

4.       Facilitator presents proposal to whole group including:

A.      Points/Questions to be discussed

B.      Time allowances

C.      Prepares any documents that are needed

During the meeting:

5.       Facilitator presents the proposal/agenda to group

6.       Facilitator opens floor for discussion and guides meeting

7.       Members discuss points in proposal

8.       Members revise points (if needed)

9.       Facilitator notes the revisions made by members

A.      Facilitator can accept amendments

B.      Facilitator can reject amendments

10.   Facilitator calls for Consensus and Members decide

A.      If the proposal passes, the meeting ends

B.      If a member(s) blocks see 11.

11.   Members who blocked now have to come up with a new proposal that addresses the same problem as the blocked proposal

A.      Allotted time until new proposal is presented: Max. 1 month

B.      They must meet with other members in solution-oriented sub-meeting (Max . 4 meetings)

C.      Members who blocked must attend sub-meetings, any other member is welcome to sub-meetings as well for solution-oriented discussion

D.      The person who blocked is responsible for organizing the sub-meetings and the sub-meetings must take place

E.       If the new proposal is agreed upon in sub-meetings, is it taken to the group as a new proposal

12.   If the blockers cannot come up with a new proposal agreed upon with everyone during the sub-meetings, or if sub-meetings don’t take place; the original proposal goes back to be reconsidered.

A.      The original proposal only requires 75% of the members to consent

B.      If less than 75% of the members consent the proposal is denied