Aspen is the 3rd U.S. city to reach 100 percent renewable energy

ASPEN – Boulder, it’s your move.

Aspen has become only the third U.S. city to be entirely run on renewable energy, according to the Aspen Times. The other two cities? Burlington, Vermont and Greensburg, Kansas.

The Pitkin County resort town got the designation after signing a contract with wholesale electric energy provider Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska.

Before that, it was at 75 to 80 percent renewable energy – and had decided 10 years ago to make that 100 percent.

Aspen eliminated using a coal a while back, replacing that with wind power provided by four farms in Nebraska and South Dakota. The Aspen Times reports it also uses energy from Ruedi Reservoir, Maroon Creek and Ridgway Reservoir.

(© 2015 KUSA)

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